Photo of Justin

About Me

My name is Justin Forseth. I'm a computer science student at Carroll College with a passion for making websites, apps, and other random computer stuff. This site is just plain 'ol HTML, CSS, and Javascript, with Bulma and JQuery. I've worked with Flask, Spring Boot, and PHP on the backend, and React and Svelte for frontend. I've tinkered with app development using native Android, React Native, and Flutter. I'm a Linux nerd who self hosts most of my projects on an Ubuntu server.

Contact Me

My Projects

CattleDB homepage screenshot
CattleDB icon


An all-in-one program for keeping track of cattle records. Uses a simple SQLite database, with Flask for the backend and a web app written in Svelte and a mobile Client written in Flutter.
CattleDB homepage screenshot
CattleDB icon

Lodge Day Off Scheduler

A program to help coordinate days off for counselors at a summer camp. Fully client-side React automatically deployed to Cloudflare pages.
Virtual Voyagers screenshot
CattleDB icon

Virtual Voyagers

A fun pirate game I made with a classmate that has custom sprite animation and collision physics, implemented using Java's Swing toolkit. Screenshot
CattleDB icon


An online store I self-host, made using Wordpress+Woocommerce. Screenshot
Fairfield FFA icon

Fairfield FFA

A website for my high school FFA chapter. Written in PHP, every section can be updated using a custom-made admin page. It's currently unmaintained, but the code is still available on Gitlab.

My Videos